Saturday 23 April 2011


Urgences is the French work for emergency department, and it was at Urgences that we sat  and waited with a very sick E to see a doctor.  We were glad to be shown to an examination room where a nurse monitored her temperature, pulse etc.  Soon after a doctor who could speak some English arrived.  He checked E's glands, lungs etc and when he looked into her throat he jumped back, his face in a pained grimace.  He said nothing, quickly left the room and returned with two doctors who also looked into E's throat.  "Merde!" exclaimed one.   They took throat swabs and blood samples, and wasted no time explaining why E would need to be admitted.

It was after 1am when E was settled into her room, and as she hadn't eaten for now almost 24 hours I asked if there was some food available.  'D'accord' said Claude the nurse indicating that he understood my halting French.  I was imagining that E might be able to manage to eat a little yoghurt or jelly, but with a flourish of French style Claude returned 10 minutes later with a tray containing a delightful three course meal!  Roast meat and vegetables no less, E  however was already alseep.

And so for four days our poor E lay in a French hospital bed receiving intravenous antibiotics, pain relief and fluids.   She was so sick that she was actually content to be there.  What a way to spend Easter!  She had a steady flow of chateau visitors and after the whole ordeal was over and she was finally discharged her French seemed so much better than ours!

Post script:  After E was discharged, she continued to recover back at the Chateau for two days before, unfortunately, she had to return to work in the UK.  She has now made a full recovery.  We have only praise for the French hospital system, and we are grateful to Claude for his kindness, good humour and professionalism to our E.  Merci beaucoup, CHAM et Claude! ( And thanks to you too  Howard Florey.)

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