Thursday 7 April 2011

"Afloat upon ethereal tides St Paul´s above the city rides"

Another clear, sunny day in London and we climbed all 600 steps of Christopher Wren´s magnificent cathedral - to the Golden Gallery to take in London´s most spectacular view. There are rewards before reaching the top though, The Whispering Gallery and the Stone Gallery.

Quite simply it´s stunning from the crypt to the dome, and a pleasure to spend a few hours in his masterpiece on Ludgate Hill. Amazing to think that a cathedral has sat on this site for more than 1,400 years.

From the Golden Gallery the view of Paternoster Square and its radiating laneways is beautiful. We chose a cafe in the prettiest one, and sitting in the shadow of St Paul´s we enjoyed more catch up time over cups of white tea. Bliss.

The Dome.

Sshhh.  From the Whispering Gallery.

From the Golden Gallery.

Pretty Paternoster.


Ethereal indeed.  Above the  Millenium Bridge.

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