Thursday 7 April 2011

Costa Brava - Costa Bravo

After leaving the Pyrenees we headed south east to the coast. Begur is a cobbled street village which sits beneath the ruins of a stone castle - Castell Begur. A walk up Castell Begur provided our morning exercise. Napoleon´s men would have had a fine view from the top as they conquered and destroyed it in 1810.

We stayed in nearby Aiguablava in the dramatically located Parador Aiguablava. Aiguablava is a picture-perfect bay with casas, villas and hotels draped around the surrounding steep slopes. The Parador has a commanding position on the clifftop overlooking the pretty bay on one side and the blue, blue Mediterranean on the other. The water of the little bay is emerald green, clear and decidely warm. It´s lovely to be here in spring, as the regional population of 3.000 swells to some 50,000 during the summer months.

Napoleon´s view from Castell Begur.

The walk up.
Built in the 11th century, destroyed in 1810.

Castell Begur overlooking the medieval town of Begur.
The camines de ronda - the coastal paths that criss-cross the coastline which apparently were used by customs officers to keep an eye on smugglers - provided a day´s exercise.  Rocky steps go up, up, up and then down, down, down between the coastal folds and bays, with spectacular views all along.

Emerald water of Aiguablava beach - the start of the section
of the cami de ronda we walked.

Across the cove you can see the Parador on the cliff.

Another cove long the coastal path.

Past fishing villages.
And the little harbour at Fornells.

A peek at the casas along the way.

More casas and courtyards.

Colours of España.

A private summer beach club.
View from our balcony. Ahhhhh.

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