Monday 1 August 2011

The grandest of them all?

Vienna - elegant and grand in so many ways.  A beautiful city to wander, with an abundance of decorated and gilded buildings - the Opera House, the Hofburg Palace, the Parliament building - and colourful summer parks all within the Ringstrasse. We stayed in an apartment just beyond the city centre and the Ubahn and Sbahn made it simple to navigate.

We loved Vienna, but didn't want to stay too long.  Sorry, still not warm enough.

Parliament House Vienna - designed by a Dane in the style of
a Greek Temple. Very grand.
Where's Paddy-hunde?

Amadeus calling...
(I know these street walkers are for the tourists,
but I get a kick out of seeing them and their coat tails
flick and fly as they stride around a street corner.)
A delicious visit to the Sacher Hotel

Not for you Paddy.
Our dog once ate a box of Mozartkugeln from under the
Christmas tree.  We couldn't work out why the chocolates had
disappeared. The mystery was solved when we discovered
pieces of undigested gold foil on our back lawn!

Beautiful Stephansdom

1 comment:

  1. "Amadeus calling" = genius. Love from S and Paddy hunde xx
