Hanging throughout the streets of Como were advertising flags featuring the portrait of a beautiful woman. These flags enticed us to find out what it was that was being held at Villa Olmo from 26 Maggio to 24 Guigio. It was our great fortune to be in Como during this time as
Boldini e la Belle Epoque was a splendid art exhibition staged throughout the magnificent rooms of Villa Olmo on the shores of Lake Como. I was not familiar with Giovanni Boldini, though I now know that he was an Italian portrait painter who lived most of his adult life in Paris painting portraits of beautiful women wearing beautiful clothes and often standing in the salons and grand rooms of Paris homes. I loved the finely detailed faces, fabrics, accessories and backgrounds.
The elegant rooms of magnificent Villa Olmo, opened to the public only during exhibitions, seemed the perfect location to hold an exhibition of the 'beautiful era'.
Boldini e la Belle Epoque flags adorned the via of Como |
Villa Olmo overlooking Lago di Como |
No photos allowed inside the Villa so here's a link to the
grand opening night.
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