Tuesday 10 May 2011

Clever Swiss

Switzerland seems like the perfect country really.  Everywhere the scenery is picture postcard perfect, the mountains are exceptional, they have three national languages, and as well as having the best chocolate the Swiss invented that most delicious of breakfasts- Birchermuseli. (Conveniently, birchermuseli is sold in charming little pots in most backerei-konditorei shops for just a couple of euro.)

In Switzerland everything 'works' and everything has the feeling of order and efficiency.  And for these reasons I just don't have too much else to say about Switzerland.  Am I being unfair?

Perhaps I am, so here two clever Swiss things that I've noticed:

Clever invention #1

I've never seen this anywhere else.

Magnifying glass on every shopping trolley - to read the
ingredients and nutrional panel on packaging, of course!
I like that a lot.
 Clever invention #2

As I searched around in the apartment kitchen for the sink plug I wondered why there was an odd-shaped nozzle sitting next to the taps.

This odd-shaped nozzle IS the plug!  And this third floor Swiss
apartment sink will never overflow and be responsible for flooding
the Swiss bank vault below it.

And you don't need to get your hands wet to remove the plug!
 Our lovely spacious apartment for the week in Luzern is on the third floor of a Swiss bank building.  This means that right now I am probably as close as I will ever be to a large Swiss bank account!

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